
Portulaca Report

    Portulaca is one of the easiest, cheapest and brightest flowers in summer. The seedlings I bought for 80 yen for each a few months ago are still stretching their branches as if appealing themselves. It seems they are hardy enough for propagation without working on extra care. Pink, yellow and white ones were cut and planted in the small pot.
    We'll see how they will be in a few months.


Gardening in Spring

               3rd year of my Calibrachoa

This thriving and vivid beauty has been with me for three years. Cold winters didn't bother much while it had been kept under the roof. It seemed just like bare branches then but once again, when the time is right it keeps on blooming.

As referred to the flower language, this flower brings us to feel peace of mind.

                            Portulaca seedlings planted in the planter

As for portulaca I planted its seedlings last week, the flower language is cheerful or energetic at all times. Being familiar with the fascination for flowers, I can enjoy gardening more.


Another Spring, Another Flowers

                                          My Gardening in Spring

                                               Another Spring, Another Flowers

   As warm season approaches, it gets noticeable there are bright colors in nature. I guess I was sensitive enough to smell the arrival of spring earlier in March but this time of the year, I cannot help but pause and take a glance at flowers come with different size and shape.

   Azalea has bloomed all around the Wakayama Big Ai. I only wish they could keep coming out ceaselessly. I suppose people from foreign countries will be impressed to encounter the beauty of Azalea.

  Plants and flowers are part of my life no matter where I’ve lived. I’m looking forward to the Golden Week. I will time warp and indulge myself by gardening then. I will post some pictures for sure.




 今年は青少年を対象にテーマ:「あなたの喜びのために」~I Make You Happy!~のもと、「人の喜びや幸せのために自分は何ができるのか」を見つめ、世界の色々なことを学ぶ場を提供します。



New Year's Party 2016

It was a delightful moment with a lot of friendly attendees.  WIXAS held the New Year’s Party on Jan 12th to express appreciation to those who have kindly cooperated with us in the past year.
I talked with many people that I normally don’t see over delicious meals while playing a MC role for the first time. It was full on but thanks to the other MC, it went well and I was filled with a feeling of satisfaction after the gathering.
I’m looking forward to offering forthcoming international exchange events this year.